Prof. Jan Eijsbouts project leider in Business and Human Rights International Arbitration Project

Dit nieuwsbericht is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels

The Hague Institute for Global Justice is launching a project to resolve business and human rights disputes using international arbitration. The aim is to help provide access to remedy within the framework of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.



The project will devise international arbitration rules that can be used by multinational corporations  and people who claim their human rights have been harmed by the company, or by companies in  their supply chain, to resolve conflicts.

The Hague Institute will coordinate this process. The project drafting committee will be headed by  Prof. Bruno Simma, former judge at the International Court of Justice, judge at the US – Iran Claims  Tribunal, and arbitrator in numerous stateEtoEstate and investorEstate disputes.  Prof. Jan Eijsbouts of  Maastricht University, member of the Working Group on International Business and Human Rights  Arbitration, will be the project leader.  

Read the full press release

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