Prof Dr Mirjam Oude Egbrink (M.G.A.)


Mirjam oude Egbrink studied Biology at the University of Groningen and completed the master of Health Professions Education at Maastricht University. In 1989 she received her PhD in cardiovascular research from Maastricht University. From 1990 onwards, she is staff member of the department of Physiology and in 1992 she was registered as Medical Physiologist. Her biomedical research in the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM) concerns the role of activated blood platelets in vascular disease and in tumor angiogenesis. She served as treasurer of the Netherlands Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology, and as member of the Executive Committee of the European Society for Microcirculation. At present, she is member of the editorial board of the Journal of Vascular Research.

Throughout her career, Mirjam oude Egbrink contributed significantly to the development and coordination of (new) educational units for the medical curriculum, and to the development of the Physician-Clinical Investigator (A-KO) research master. She became Director of Education for Medicine in 2008 and Scientific Director of the Institute for Education at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences in 2011. In 2012 she was appointed Professor on Implementation of Educational Innovations. In the Research School for Health Professions Education (SHE), she is currently involved in research on education, with a special interest in student selection and in quality culture and management in higher education. Since 2015 she is member of the board of the Netherlands Society for Medical Education.