Dr Lisa Jonkman (L.M.)


Lisa Jonkman is associate professor in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience and is heading the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience section since 2009.

Her current research focuses on the topic: Attention, memory and number symbol learning: typical and atypical development.

Younger children and those with attention problems, are known to have problems with resisting distraction from irrelevant information, eventually leading to impulsive behaviour, less efficient information processing and, on the long term, lower academic achievement. The capacity of working memory or executive control has been shown to be an important mediating factor in performance on attention tasks and also plays an important role in learning. In past and current projects the importance of such executive control-working memory-attention relations in typical and atypical development is investigated, with a current focus on the development of mind wandering and emotional control. Another current research line focuses on how young children learn to attach numerical meaning to number symbols. The group uses cross-sectional, longitudinal and training study designs combined with EEG/ERP techniques to identify the processes and brain networks involved in typical and atypical cognitive development, with a current focus on attention and number processing development. 

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Articles in International refereed journals

  • Van den Berg, F., de Weerd, P., Jonkman, L.M. (in press). Number-related ERP activity is differentially affected by mapping novel symbols on small versus large quantities in a number learning task. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Keulers, E.H.H, Jonkman, L.M*. (2019). Mind wandering in children: Examining task-unrelated thoughts in laboratory and classroom settings, and the association with different executive functions. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 179, 276 – 290.  *shared first authorship.
  • Heijligers, M.*, Verheijden, L.*, Jonkman, L.M., van der Sangen, Meijer-Hoogeveen, M., Arens, Y., van der Hoeven, M.A., de Die-Smulders, C. (2018). The cognitive and socio-emotional development of 5-year-old children born after PGD. Human Reproduction, 1-8.  doi:10.1093/humrep/dey302. *Shared first authorship.
  • Bervoets, J., Jonkman, L.M., Mulkens, S., de Vries, H., Kok, G. (2018). “Train your Mind” program: Enhancing Executive Functions among Dutch Elementary School Children: A Cluster Randomized Trial Protocol. JMIR Res Protoc 2018| vol. 7| iss.5|e144
  • Xenidou-Dervou, I., Johannes E. H. van Luit, J.E.H., Evelyn H. Kroesbergen, E.H., Friso vanden Bos, I., Jonkman, L.M., Van der Schoot, M. & Van Lieshout, E.C.D.M. (2018). Cognitive Predictors of Children’s Development in Mathematics Achievement: A Latent Growth Analysis Approach. Developmental Science, 21(6), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1111/desc.12671
  • Jonkman, L.M., Markus C.R., Franklin, M.S., van Dalfsen, J.H. (2017). Mind Wandering during Attention Performance: Effects of ADHD-Inattention Symptomatology, Negative Mood, Ruminative Response Style and Working Memory Capacity. PlosONE
  • Jonkman, L.M., Hurks, P.P, Schleepen, T.M.J. (2016). Effects of memory strategy training on performance and event-related brain potentials of children with ADHD in an episodic memory task. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 26, 910-941. DOI:10.1080/09602011.2015.1070735.
  • Friso-van den Bos, I., van Luijt, J.E.H., Kroesbergen, E.H., Xenidou-Dervou, I., van Lieshout, E.C.D.M., van der Schoot, M., Jonkman, L.M. (2015). Pathways of number line development in children: Predictors and risk for adverse mathematical outcome. Zeitschrift für Psychologie; special issue  Developmental Dyscalculia, 223(2): 120-128. DOI: 10.1027/2151-2604/a00210.
  • Markus C.R.,  Jonkman L.M., Capello A., Leinders S., Husch F. (2015). Sucrose preload reduces snacking after mild mental stress in healthy participants as a function of 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter gene promotor polymorphism. Stress,
  • Van den Boomen, C., Jonkman, L.M., Jaspers-Vlamings, P.H.J.M., Cousijn, J., Kemner, C.  (2015). Developmental changes in ERP responses to spatial frequencies. PLoS ONE  10(3) : e0122507. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122507.
  • Friso-van den Bos, I. Kroesbergen, E.H., Van Luit, J.E.H, Xenidou-Dervou, I., Jonkman, L.M., Van der Schoot, M.,Van Lieshout, E.C.D.M. (2015). Longitudinal Development of Number Line Estimation and Mathematics Performance in Primary School Children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 134, 12-29.
  • Schleepen, T.M.J. & Jonkman, L.M. (2014). A longitudinal study of semantic grouping strategy use in 6-12 year-old children: investigating developmental phases, strategy transfer and the role of working memory. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, Research and Theory on Human Development, 175, 451-471PDF 
  • Schleepen, T.M.J. Markus, C.R., Jonkman, L.M. (2014). Dissociating the effects of semantic grouping and rehearsal strategies on Event-Related Brain Potentials. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 94, 319-328.
  • Spronk, M., Vogel, E.K., Jonkman, L.M. (2013). No behavioral or ERP evidence for a developmental lag in visuospatial working memory capacity or filtering in adolescents and adults with ADHD. PLoS ONE 8(5): e62673.
  • Spronk, M., Vogel, E.K., Jonkman, L.M. (2012). Electrophysiological evidence for immature processing capacity and filtering in visuospatial working memory in adolescents. PLoS ONE 7(8): e42262. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042262
  • Schleepen, T.M.J., Jonkman, L.M. (2012). Children's use of semantic organizational strategies is mediated by working memory capacity. Cognitive Development, 27, 255-269.
  • Spronk, M., Jonkman, L.M. (2012). Electrophysiological evidence for different effects of working memory load on interference control in adolescents than adults International Journal of Psychophysiology, 38, 24-35.
  • Jongen, E.M.M., Jonkman, L.M. (2011). Effects of concurrent working memory load on distractor processing and interference control in a name-face Stroop task. Psychophysiology, 48, 31-43.
  • Vlamings, P. H. J. M., Jonkman, L. M., van Daalen, E., van der Gaag, R. J., & Kemner, C. (2010). Basic abnormalities in visual information processing affect face processing at an early age in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 68, 1107-1113
  • Vlamings, P.H.J.M., Jonkman, L.M., Kemner, C. (2010). Eye for detail. An Event Related Potential study on the rapid processing of fearful facial expression in children. Child Development, 81 (4), 1304–1319
  • Schleepen, T.M.J., Jonkman L.M. (2010). The development of non-spatial working memory during childhood and adolescence and the role of interference control; an N-back task study. Developmental Neuropsychology, 35, 37-56 
  • Jongen, E.M.M, Jonkman, L.M. (2008). The developmental pattern of stimulus and response interference in an object Stroop task: an ERP study. BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:82.
  • Spronk, M., Jonkman, L.M, Kemner, C. (2008). Response inhibition and attention processing in 5-7 year-old children with and without symptoms of ADHD; an ERP study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 119 , 2738-52.
  • Vlamings, P.H.J.M., Jonkman, L.M., Hoeksma, M.R., Kemner, C., van Engeland, H. (2008). Reduced error monitoring in children with Pervasive Developmental Disorder: an ERP study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 399–406.
  • Jonkman, L.M., van Melis, J., Kemner, C, Markus C.R. (2007). Methylphenidate improves deficient error evaluation in children with ADHD; an event-related brain potential study. Biological Psychology, 76, 217-229.
  • Jonkman, L.M., Sniedt, F.L.F., Kemner, C. (2007). Source localization of  the nogo-N2: a developmental study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 118, 1069-1077.
  • Markus, C.R., Jonkman, L.M. (2007). Attention switching after dietary brain  5-HT challenge in high impulsive subjects. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 21, 700-708.
  • Jonkman, L.M. (2006). The development of preparation, conflict monitoring and inhibition from early childhood to young adulthood; a Go/Nogo ERP study. Brain Research, 1097, 181-193.
  • Markus CR, Jonkman LM, Lammers JHCM, Deutz NEP. (2006) Evening dietary tryptophan improves post-sleep behavioral and brain measures of memory function in healthy subjects. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 4, 79-88.
  • Theunissen, E.L.,  Jonkman, L.M., Kuypers, K.P.C., Ramaekers, J.G. (2006). Stimulating effects of fexofenadine under high workload conditions. A combined neurophysiological and behavioral approach.  Journal of Psychopharmacology,20, 496-505.
  • Kenemans, J.L., Bekker, E.M., Lijffijt, M., Overtoom, C.C.E., Jonkman, L.M., Verbaten, M.N. (2005). Attention deficit and inpulsivity: selecting, shifting and stopping. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 58, 59-70.
  • Markus, C.R., Jonkman, L.M., Lammers, J.H.C.M., Deutz, N.E.P., Messer, M., Rigtering, N. (2005). Evening intake of alpha-lactalbumin raises brain tryptophan availability and improves morning alertness and brain measures of attention. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 81, 1026-1033.
  • Jonkman, L.M., Kenemans, J.L., Kemner, C., Verbaten, M.N., van Engeland, H. (2004). Dipole source localisation of event-related brain activity indicative of visual selective attention in ADHD and normal control children. Clinical Neurophysiology, 115, 1537-1549. 
  • Kemner, C., Jonkman, L.M., Kenemans, J.L., Verbaten, M.N., van Engeland, H. (2004). Sources of auditory selective attention and the effects of MPH in children with ADHD. Biological Psychiatry, 55, 776-778.
  • Jonkman, L.M., Lansbergen, M., Stauder J.E.A..(2003). Developmental differences in behavioural and ERP responses associated with response preparation and inhibition in a go/nogo taskPsychophysiology, 40, 752-761
  • Jonkman, L.M., Kemner, C., Verbaten, M.N., van Engeland, H., Camfferman, G., Buitelaar, J.K., Koelega, H.S (2000). Attentional capacity, a probe ERP study:differences between children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and normal control children and effects of methylphenidatePsychophysiology, 37, 334-346.
  • Jonkman, L.M., Kemner, C., Verbaten, M.N., van Engeland, H., Kenemans, J.L.,Camfferman, G., Buitelaar, J.K., Koelega, H.S. (1999). Perceptual and responseinterference in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and the effects ofmethylphenidate. Psychophysiology, 36, 419-429.
  • Markus,C.R., Panhuysen, G., Jonkman, L.M., Bachman, M (1999). Carbohydrate intake improves cognitive performance of stress-prone individuals under controllable laboratory stress. British Journal of Nutrition, 82, 457-467.
  • Jonkman, L.M, Verbaten, M.N., de Boer, D., Maes, R.A.A., Buitelaar, J.K., Kemner, C., van Engeland, H., Koelega, H.S. (1998). Differences in plasma concentrations ofthe D- and L-threo methylphenidate enantiomers in responding and non-responding children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatry Research, 78, 115-118.
  • Jonkman, L.M., Kemner, C., Verbaten, M.N., Koelega, H.S., Camfferman, G., v.d. Gaag, R, Buitelaar, J.K., van Engeland, H. (1997).Event-related potentials andperformance of ADHD children and normal controls in auditory and visual selective attention tasks. Biological Psychiatry, 41, 595-611.
  • Jonkman, L.M., Kemner, C., Verbaten, M.N., Koelega, H.S., Camfferman, G., v.d. Gaag, R, Buitelaar, J.K., van Engeland, H. (1997). Effects of methylphenidate of event-related potentials and performance of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder children in auditory and visual selective attention tasks. Biological Psychiatry, 41, 690-702.
  • Smulders, F.T.Y, Kenemans, J.L., Jonkman, L.M., Kok, A. (1997).  The effects of sleep loss on task performance and the electroencephalogram in young and elderly subjects. Biological Psychology, 45, 217-239.