Stakeholderpanel: 'Het Brusselse effect: hoe de Europese Unie de wereld regeert'
Glaw-Net event
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15 jan16:00 - 18:00
Op 15 januari is Stefano Cattelan van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel onze spreker - Titel: Mare Clausum: The Formation of the Law of the Sea in Pre-modern State Practice and Legal Doctrine (c. 1350-1650)
20 jan 02 jun10:00 - 11:40
UM organiseert, in samenwerking met Montae & Partners, een (digitale) pensioenexpertisesessie webinarreeks.
23 jan 01 sep11:00 - 15:30
The Globalisation & Law Network is composed of a group of researchers of Maastricht University, coming from different backgrounds, who study the role that law plays in a globalizing society from a holistic perspective. Invited experts will give a presentation on a specific topic followed by a Q&A session open to all participants.