
  • 26 apr

    Promotie Nicky Adinda Beelen

    "Natural killer cells in the tumour microenvironment: Enhancing immunotherapy by exploring the communication between NK cells and tumour cells"

  • 26 apr

    Promotie Doris Lijsbeth van Abbema

    "Bridging the age gap Impact of age on treatment, survival and patient outcomes in older patients with cancer"

  • 26 apr

    Afscheidsrede Prof. dr. Michael Jacobs

    "What a challenging journey!"

  • 29 apr
    14:00 - 15:30

    NEXT ITEM: Europese verkiezingen en grensregio's

    Op de avond van 29 april wordt het Maastricht Debate georganiseerd, waaraan verschillende Spitzenkandidaten deelnemen. Het debat zal verschillende thema’s belichten. In de middag voorafgaand aan het Maastricht Debate zal ITEM tijdens haar Next ITEM meer aandacht besteden aan de dimensie grensregio’s...

  • 29 apr
    16:00 - 18:00

    ICGI/Elverding Staff seminar and guest lecture Professor Steven Schwarcz

    We invite all interested staff members for an in-depth discussion. The seminar is set up as a guest lecture in which professor Schwarcz will present his paper after which there will be enough room for discussion. 

  • 30 apr

    Graduate School Methods Seminar

    We are very excited to announce that the Graduate School is starting a new series of Graduate School Methods Seminars. In the seminar, guest speakers will present fundamentals, advantages, problems, and limits of a method that they are expert in. They will do this through the lens of their own...

  • 01 mei
    12:00 - 13:00

    Pick Our Brains

    On 14 March, our speakers are Prof. Başak Çalı (Hertie School, Oxford University) and Prof. Laurence R. Helfer (Duke University, University of Copenhagen) - Title: Rethinking Human Rights Treaty Withdrawals

  • 01 mei
    14:00 - 16:00

    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Campus Tour

    Ben je geïnteresseerd in een van onze bachelor-of masteropleidingen? Neem dan deel aan onze campus tour, waarin we je rondleiden door onze faculteit en de stad Maastricht. 

  • 01 mei

    Restitutie van roofkunst

    Studium Generale | Lezing

  • 02 mei

    Promotie Jennifer Margaretha Klasen

    "Allowing Failure as an Unspoken Pedagogy in Residency Training"