19 mrt
16:00 - 17:30

Jean Monnet EU Migration Law and Governance Lecture Series 

Alexandra Xanthaki, Professor of Laws, Brunel University London, UN Special Rapporteur in the field of Cultural Rights - Lecture Title : "Cultural rights of forced migrants: The forgotten rights".

Jean Monnet Lecture Series:

  • This freely accessible, hybrid, 3-year Jean Monnet lecture series (2024-2026) will feature scholars working on (areas connected with) migration law and governance from interdisciplinary and/or critical perspectives, as well as relevant policy-makers, civil society, and societal actors.

  • A number of lectures and debates provide insights to current legal and policy developments at EU level, such as the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. The series also features contributions on the interaction of EU migration law with international refugee, migration, statelessness, and human rights law. Finally, other talks provide novel conceptual insights to the study of migration, such as decolonial or interdisciplinary approaches.

  • The lecture series is convened by Dr. Lilian Tsourdi as part of the Jean Monnet Chair on EU Migration Law and Governance she holds at the Faculty of Law. The series is organised in cooperation with the research centers and groups MCEL, MACIMIDE and Glaw-NET

We cordially invite you to the upcoming lecture of the Jean Monnet EU Migration Law and Governance Lecture Series followed by refreshments.  On 23 February our speaker is Alexandra Xanthaki This session will be chaired and moderated by Prof. em. Bruno De Witte.

Efforts and policies to improve the rights of forced migrants in Europe have so far completely neglected their cultural rights. The lecture will argue that the attention to cultural rights of forced migrants is pressing as they are linked to their identity. The UN Special Rapporteur will explain the scope of these rights and debate current challenges and initiatives as part of her mandate. 

The series will take place physically and online. The Zoom link for the online sessions will be distributed later.

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