
Studium Generale | Film & Talk

Avant première

Around 60 percent of primary school children in Vienna do not speak German as their mother tongue. The pupils at the school where Ilkay Idiskut teaches come from all over the world. And each child brings their own cultural baggage into the classroom. We hear an example of this when a little boy says that girls aren’t supposed to wear bikinis. We discover snatches of traumas that children are carrying within them, through a disturbing picture or a question about violent child abduction. When each child gets an iPhone to film with, it gives us insight into their personal lives. However different the 25 boys and girls might be, they have one thing in common: in an engaging way, they do their very best to master German. 

At the same time, there is a big shortage of teachers. Filmmaker Ruth Beckermann took this area of tension as her starting point for the three years spanned by the recordings. She shows its impact when it turns out that teacher Ilkay Idiskut has to take maternity leave, without there being a replacement for her. (Source: IDFA). 

An introduction to the film will be given by Trudie Schils. 
Trudie Schils is Professor of Economics of Education and Scientific Director of the Onderwijsmonitor Limburg. This Monitor is a collaboration between a wide range of educational institutes in Limburg. It is used to evaluate and improve equal opportunities in education, reduce early school dropout and stimulate personalised learning.

In collaboration with Lumière Cinema.

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