Do You See What I See? Living in a Visual Environment, Simulated by Your Brain
Whenever your eyes are open, you have a rich and immersive visual experience of the world around you. And it may feel like you are using your sensors (your eyes and ears) to perceive an objective, physical, outside world. The vast majority of what you perceive, however, is made up by your brain, building on past experiences. In sum, you are trapped in a simulated world, to which no one but you has access.
In this lecture, experimental psychologist Surya Gayet will explain how our brain interprets visual stimuli and how this leads to a conscious experience of the world around us.
About the speaker
Surya Gayet, PhD, is a cognitive neuroscientist and experimental psychologist. He is Assistant Professor in Experimental Psychology at Utrecht University. He researches human consciousness, attention, perception and memory.