Health Food Innovation Management | Student voor een dag
Vraag je je af hoe het is om Health Food Innovation Management (HFIM) te studeren op onze campus in Venlo? Loop dan mee als student voor een dag.
Vraag je je af hoe het is om Health Food Innovation Management (HFIM) te studeren op onze campus in Venlo? Loop dan mee als student voor een dag.
The Globalisation & Law Network is composed of a group of researchers of Maastricht University, coming from different backgrounds, who study the role that law plays in a globalizing society from a holistic perspective. Invited experts will give a presentation on a specific topic followed by a Q&A...
Get a feel of what it’s like to study International Business at Maastricht University.
Get a feel of what it’s like to study Business Analytics at Maastricht University.
Get a feel of what it’s like to study Economics and Business Economics at Maastricht University.
Get a feel of what it’s like to study Business Engineering at Maastricht University.
Get a feel of what it’s like to study Econometrics & Operations Research at Maastricht University.
Get a feel of what it’s like to study Business Engineering at Maastricht University.
"Mental Effects and Potential Therapeutic Use of Kratom/Mitragynine"