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Mattijssen, L., Pavlopoulos, D., & Smits, W. (2023). Does it pay off to specialize? The interplay between educational specificity, level and cyclical sensitivity. Social Science Research, 109, Article 102782.
Mattijssen, L., Pavlopoulos, D., & Smits, W. (2022). Scarred by Your Employer? The Effect of Employers’ Strategies on the Career Outcomes of Non-Standard Employment. Work and Occupations, 49(3), 316-344.
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Smits, W., & Sanders, J. (2022). Dynamiek op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt: de focus op taken en vaardigheden. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 38(2), 127-133.
Kösters, L., & Smits, W. (2022). 'Genuine' or 'Quasi' Self-Employment: Who Can Tell?Social Indicators Research, 161(1), 191-224.
Kösters, L., & Smits, W. (2021). False self-employment: the role of occupations. International Journal of Manpower, 42(2), 322-337.