Dr Thomas Conzelmann (T.)
Uitgebreid profiel is alleen beschikbaar in Engels.Carraro, V., Conzelmann, T., & Jongen, H. (2019). Fears of Peers? Explaining Peer and Public Shaming in Global Governance. Cooperation and Conflict, 54(3), 335-355. https://doi.org/10.1177/0010836718816729
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Conzelmann, T. (2022). Peer reviewing the rule of law? A new mechanism to safeguard EU values. European Papers : a journal on law and integration, 7(2), 671–695. https://doi.org/10.15166/2499-8249/593
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Borrás, S., & Conzelmann, T. (2007). Democracy, Legitimacy and Soft Modes of Governance in the EU: the Empirical Turn. Journal of European Integration, 29(5), 531-548. https://doi.org/10.1080/07036330701694865
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Conzelmann, T. (2012). Informal Governance in International Relations. In T. Christiansen, & C. Neuhold (Eds.), International Handbook on Informal Governance (pp. 219-235). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781781001219.00019
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Conzelmann, T. (2005). Europäische Union. In Handwörterbuch der Raumordnung (pp. 266-273). Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung. https://www.arl-net.de/content/handwoerterbuch-der-raumordnung
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Dr Thomas Conzelmann (T.)
Full professor - Key domain chair
Politieke Wetenschappen
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences