Hardt, S., Heringa, A. W., Ristawati, R., & Salman, R. (Eds.) (2022). Legal Education in the 21st Century: Indonesian and International Perspectives. Eleven International.
Hardt, S. (2022). Teaching Good Governance and the Rule of Law. In A. W. Heringa, S. Hardt, R. Salman, & R. Ristawati (Eds.), Legal Education in the 21st Century: Indonesian and International Perspectives (pp. 185-194). Eleven International publishing.
Hardt, S. (2022). The Integration of Research in Legal Teaching. In A. W. Heringa, S. Hardt, R. Salman, & R. Ristawati (Eds.), Legal Education in the 21st Century: Indonesian and International Perspectives (pp. 155-160). Eleven International publishing.
Hardt, S. (2022). Towards a European Parliamentary Mandate? In S. Hardt, M. Eliantonio, & A. P. van der Mei (Eds.), (L)AW MATTERS: Blogs and Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Aalt Willem Heringa (pp. 29-33). Boekenmakers.nl. https://www.globalacademicpress.com/ebooks/sascha_hardt/
Hardt, S. (2021). Data Revolution and Public Will Formation: Regulating Democratic Processes in the Digital Age . In M. Belov (Ed.), The IT Revolution and its Impact on State, Constitutionalism and Public Law (pp. 109-124). Hart Publishing. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781509940905.ch-006
Hardt, S., & Sabharwal, P. (2021). Review of: Philipp Dann & Arun K. Thiruvengadam (Eds.), Democratic Constitutionalism in India and the European Union. Comparing the Law of Democracy in Continental Polities (Studies in Comparative Law and Legal Culture), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2021 (320 pp). EU Law Live . https://eulawlive.com/library/democratic-constitutionalism-in-india-and-the-european-union/
Hardt, S. (2020). Fault Lines of the European Parliamentary Mandate: The Immunity of Oriol Junqueras Vies: ECJ 19 December 2019, Case C-502/19, Junqueras, ECLI:EU:C:2019:1115. European Constitutional Law Review, 16(1), 170-185. https://doi.org/10.1017/S157401962000005X