Sponsoring van iGEM MSP-Maastricht

3 november 2022

Bijna 70% van onze planeet is bedekt met water. Toch is de toegang tot zoet water voor velen een strijd. Met de groeiende wereldbevolking, klimaatverandering en vervuiling wordt de behoefte aan zoet water steeds dringender.
(Dit artikel is alleen beschikbaar in Engels) 

That’s why we, as SHE, are sponsoring the innovative Maastricht student-team iGEM MSP-Maastricht that wants to tackle this challenge. Their project Aestuarium aims to develop an energy efficient solution for desalination of salt water. By doing so, SHE wants to contribute to global health by making freshwater available for everyone while saving energy. This is also our way of compensating for the carbon-footprint that comes with travelling for our international activities.
If you want to know more about the project see here or visit the UM student team’s Instagram page.


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