SBE verlengt AACSB accreditatie!
Met trots kondigen wij aan dat de School of Business and Economics (SBE) van de Universiteit Maastricht een verlenging van de AACSB-accreditatie heeft ontvangen, als onderdeel van AACSB's Continuous Improvement Review. Hiermee blijft SBE deel uitmaken van een selecte wereldwijde groep van business schools die deze accreditatie bezitten.
- De overige tekst is Engelstalig -
“As AACSB puts it: ‘Earning AACSB accreditation signifies a school’s commitment to strategic management, learner success, thought leadership and societal impact’. I am proud that SBE’s re-accreditation highlights not only the excellent work that our staff puts in to realize this commitment, but also underlines the consistent and high quality that we deliver in all those domains”. – Mariëlle Heiltjes, Dean at SBE.
High praise and best practices
The AACSB evaluation panel praised, among other things, SBE’s unique approach to student learning: Problem Based Learning (PBL). They highlighted this as a major strength and noted that this approach allows SBE’s students to excel in problem-solving skills, presentation skills, and teamwork, preparing them effectively for their professional careers. This sentiment was echoed by students, alumni, and employees during the accreditation visit.
SBE was also commended for its Assurance of Learning (AoL) system, one of the tools which ensures the quality and continuous improvement of SBE’s education. The evaluation committee found that, while SBE already had a strong AoL system, this has been further improved and fine-tuned in recent years.
Zooming out, the panel also noted SBE’s strategic developments in the form of our three Spearheads that focus on the broad concepts of Sustainable Development, Digitalisation and Globalisation (SDDG). SBE’s commitment to addressing societal challenges left a positive impression on the panel.
What is AACSB?The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB) accreditation is known, worldwide, as the longest-standing, most recognised form of specialised accreditation that an institution and its business programmes can earn. Accreditation is a voluntary, nongovernmental process that includes a rigorous external review of a school's mission, faculty qualifications, curricula, and ability to provide the highest-quality programmes. |
Triple Crown Accreditation
In addition to the AACSB (USA) accreditation, SBE is both EQUIS (EU) and AMBA (UK) accredited, putting SBE among the 1% of business schools to be Triple Crown Accredited. Besides assuring the quality of SBE as a business school, the Triple Crown allows us to continue our exchanges, partnerships, and collaborations with a global network of elite business schools.
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