Hackathon Success Formula: Pressure Cooking voor Essent

200 slimme en getalenteerde masterstudenten van de opleiding Marketing Strategy & Innovation aan de Maastricht University School of Business and Economics sloegen 7 weken lang de handen ineen en werkten in 39 teams aan innovatieve ideeën en oplossingen van buitenaf voor één bedrijf: energieleverancier Essent.

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The teams were guided in a digital innovation sprint of 7 weeks, based on design thinking and coached by innovation trainers from UMIO’s Service Science Factory and with live coaching moments with Essent professionals, resulting in a super-powerful co-creation and explosion of fruitful ideas. Via this link, you can find the ideas of the 39 student teams, wrapped in video pitches and one-page summaries.

Stephan Segbers (COO Essent) “For me personally, it was not only a lot of fun but also very insightful. I am impressed by the quality of pitches created and digital skills exhibited”.

“A hackathon provides a means to accelerate innovation”, says Sabine Janssen. As head of UMIO’s Service Science Factory (SSF), she coordinated this hackathon. “A hackathon is a design sprint in which solutions are found for business challenges with co-creation”.

Interested to find out more about the power of hackathons? Check out the video.

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