Benoeming Cees Mulder tot bijzonder hoogleraar European Patent Law in a Global Context

Per 1 juli 2017 is Cees Mulder benoemd als hoogleraar European Patent Law in a Global Context (0,2 fte).

Dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.


Cees Mulder is an associate professor at our faculty and holds two PhD degrees, in physics and in law; he is European patent attorney and has been involved in the Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management programmes from the beginning (2009) as a resident teacher and the IPKM vice-director, in particular responsible for the MSc-track.

The chair of European Patent Law in a Global Context will further strengthen UM’s reputation in the field of IPKM. The standing and nature of multidisciplinary education in the IPKM and related courses (e.g. EQE exam training) will greatly benefit from the stronger positioning of European patent attorneys in the IPKM and the IGIR research institute, where the chair holder will perform research. The chair holder will furthermore contribute to a unique line of research by promoting research projects at the interface of European patent law and global technology trends.

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