Lara Lobschat (L.C.)

Key publicaties
LOBSCHAT, LARA., OSINGA, ERNST. C., & REINARTZ, WERNER. J. (2017). What Happens Online Stays Online? Segment-Specific Online and Offline Effects of Banner Advertisements. Journal of Marketing Research, 54(6), 901-913.
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Lesscher, L., Lobschat, L., & Verhoef, P. (2020). Do Offline and Online Marketing Go Hand in Hand? Cross-channel and Synergy Effects of Direct Mailing and Display Advertising. Marketing Science Institute Working Papers. Marketing Science Intstitute Working Paper Series Vol. 20 No. 124
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Lobschat, L., Müller, B., Eggers, F., Brandimarte, L., Diefenbach, S., Kroschke, M., & Wirtz, J. (2021). Corporate Digital Responsibility. Journal of Business Research, 122, 875-888.
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Pallas, F., Bolton, L. E., & Lobschat, L. (2018). Shifting the Blame: How Surcharge Pricing Influences Blame Attributions for a Service Price Increase. Journal of Service Research, 21(3), 302-318.
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