First meeting UM Advisory Council Diversity & Inclusivity

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The newly appointed advisory council on diversity and inclusivity has held its first meeting on 11 December 2017 to discuss its 2018 agenda.

Diversity and inclusivity are core values underlying UM's mission and strategy (2017–2021 Strategic Programme 'Community at the Core'): UM underlines the value of a diverse staff and student population and strives for an inclusive approach that makes every individual a valued member of our community.

UM has appointed an advisory council on diversity and inclusivity in order to support, challenge and inspire the Executive Board in the realization of the UM’s mission and strategy. The Advisory Council consists of UM staff, UM students and members not employed by Maastricht University.

The composition of the Advisory Council reflects UM’s diversity in categories such as gender, age, faculty or nationality.

The Advisory Council had its first meeting on 11 December 2017, chaired by Rector Magnificus Rianne Letschert. During this meeting, the Advisory Council explored the main topics for UM’s Diversity and Inclusivity-Agenda 2018. The members of the council are excited about the challenges that lie ahead.

Tasks and responsibilities of the Advisory Council:

  • acts as an ambassador for diversity and inclusivity, both internally and externally
  • issues solicited and unsolicited recommendations in the area of diversity and inclusivity
  • proposes new initiatives and consults with external experts where necessary
  • advises the Executive Board on the prioritisation of specific diversity and inclusivity policies
  • provides advice on projects aimed at gaining qualitative and quantitative insights into the UM community
  • provides advice on the allocation of financial resources for research projects and activities
  • monitors the effects of new and existing policies at the various levels
  • endorses and promotes the Diversity Charter formulated by the Labour Foundation

Members of the UM Diversity & Inclusivity Advisory Council:

Marja van Dieijen, President of the Maastricht UMC+ Executive Board
Isabella Grabner, Associate Professor of Accounting, School of Business and Economics
Didier Fouarge,  Professor in Dynamics of Skills Allocation, School of Business and Economics
Cerien Streefland, Managing Director, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Fred Zijlstra, Professor of Work & Organizational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Lana Sirri, Assistant Professor in Gender and Religion, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Vigjilenca Abazi, Assistant Professor International and European Law, Faculty of Law
Albertine Zanting, Senior Policy Advisor Internationalisation and Researcher of Cultural Diversity, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Science