Dr Flora Lysen (F. C.)

Uitgebreid profiel is alleen beschikbaar in Engels.

I am a scholar in the cultural analysis of science and media (my work combines media philosophy and historical epistemology) as well as an initiator of cultural programs focused on exchanges between artists and scientists. My interdisciplinary research and cultural programs explore how scientific concepts (historically) develop and circulate between different disciplinary domains and social spaces.

My interest is in studying the (popular) mediation of science, imagined scientific futures and art-science experimentation. Specifically, my scholarly expertise is in the history of the mind and brain sciences and the way neuroscientific facts are produced and circulated. Since August 2020, I am a post-doc researcher at the STS-department of Maastricht University, investigating the history of Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Decision making (part of an NWO-project titled "RAIDIO" 2020-2024). Between 2020 -2022 I was also a program developer and tutor for the (new) MA program "F for Fact," at the Sandberg Institute Amsterdam, a program in which eleven artists work in the borderlands between fact and fiction. In 2020, I was an affiliated researcher at the Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, TU Berlin, working among other things on a special issue in Frontiers about sex/gender neuroscience.

In 2020 I defended my PhD-dissertation at the University of Amsterdam, titled "Brainmedia: One Hundred Years of Performing Live Brains, 1920-2020," which examines past and present ways in which scientists, science educators, and artists use new media to conceptualize, examine and demonstrate the "brain at work” (winner of the ASCA Best Dissertation award). An edited version of this study is forthcoming (2022) at Bloomsbury Academic Press.

In 2021, I was a UM-researcher for the Brightlands Institute for Smart Society (BISS), which focuses on 'Responsible and effective data-driven decision-making for the digital society'. I continue to teach data ethics workshops to professionals, including employees of APG, the Belastingdienst, TNO, CBS and Dutch municipalities.


At the University of Amsterdam (starting in 2012), I co-initiated the interdisciplinary “Neurocultures” research group for research at the crossroads of the humanities, social sciences and neurosciences. Between 2018-2020, I was also the first program coordinator of the Amsterdam Research Institute of the Arts and Sciences (ARIAS), a new art-science network between the University of Amsterdam, the VU Amsterdam, the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Amsterdam University of the Arts, the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and the Sandberg Institute.