25 jan
14:00 - 18:00

Symposium: The Future of a Data-Driven Society

Deze informatie is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.

Every day we hear about how artificial intelligence and big data technologies are changing our daily lives, and changing the world. What more will the future bring, and will society be ready for it?

The conversation on ‘The future of a data-driven society’, was held on Thursday 25 January, the day before the Dies Natalis. The event featured keynote lectures by inspiring leaders and competitions for world-changing visions and outstanding research proposals.

Keynote lectures

  • Prof. Carole Goble from the University of Manchester shared her perspective on how advanced technologies such as distributed computing, workflows, and social computing have transformed the natural sciences and vastly enhanced humanity's ability to make data-driven discoveries.
  • Prof. Lucy Suchman from Lancaster University is an anthropologist with extensive expertise in human-computer interaction. She shared insights from her recent work about the role of robots in providing care for the elderly, and suggest an alternative approach to technological design with/for care

Videoregistatie van het symposium: The Future of a Data-Driven Society

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