07 mei
20:00 - 21:45
Studium Generale | Debate Café, Engelstalig

Brexit, the UK and the EU: What’s Next?

On the 12th of April, the UK missed its second Brexit deadline after voting to leave the EU nearly three years ago. The UK has now been given time until October 31st and will thus participate in the European parliamentary elections next month. The extension impacts both British and European politics as well as prolongs the uncertainty on what will happen next. How will the deadlock be broken?

At this Debate Café, we will discuss how things have evolved after March 29th and what is yet to come. Focus will be on the practical consequences in different aspects of the life of the citizens from an interdisciplinary approach. What is the future of the UK-EU relations? Will there be a hard border in Northern Ireland? How will EU and British citizens be impacted in terms of employment, economy, health and education?

Come and join this diverse Debate Café and seize the opportunity to discuss it with a panel expert about these issues.

Patrick Bijsmans, Assistant Professor in European Studies, department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
John Cotter, Lecturer International and European Law, Faculty of Law.
Jeroen Jansen, partner of Global Law Firm DLA Piper.
Martin Paul, President of Maastricht University.
Lisa Waddington, Professor in European Disability Law, International and European Law, Faculty of Law.

Hildegard Schneider, Professor of European Union Law at the Law Faculty of Maastricht University.

This Debate Café is organised in cooperation with ELSA.

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