Alexander Sack (A.T.)


I studied Psychology and Neuroscience with a Master of Science in Psychology and PhD in Natural Sciences (summa cum laude) from Frankfurt University, Germany.. Following my PhD, I completed several postdoctoral and academic research positions. Since 2011, I am appointed as Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the Faculty of Psychology & Neuroscience, Maastricht University. I am also Principal Investigator of the research unit “Brain Stimulation and Cognition” at the Maastricht Brain Imaging Centre. My research focuses on the neurobiological and psychological principles underlying attention, learning, memory; and cognitive control,  combining various brain research techniques, ranging from psychophysics to functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), Electroencephalography (EEG), and Noninvasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS). I have received several research grants (VENI, VIDI, VICI, EU ERC) enabling me to establish multi-modal brain stimulation research laboratories, and to supervise and manage a larger scale international and interdisciplinary research project on the neural network dynamics underlying human cognition in healthy volunteers and brain lesion patients. My goal is to integrate spatial network analysis and temporal oscillation insights to enhance cognitive functions using noninvasive brain stimulation. This interdisciplinary and translational research program will deliver both fundamental insights into neurobiological mechanisms of attention, working memory, and cognitive control in healthy participants, and derive new brain-system-based personalised interventions for cognitive rehabilitation after stroke or traumatic brain injury.


NWO VICI (2016-2021): Principal Investigator of research grant “The rhythms of Cognition: Using simultaneous TMS-fMRI-EEG to integrate brain-wide network and oscillatory communication mechanisms for enhancing human cognition”, granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a research group of several PostDocs and PhD students, and the equipment required for simultaneous fMRI & TMS & EEG measurements  (Budget: 1, 5 Euro; Grant number # 453-15-008).

KNAW Project Grant (2015): Applicant of an initiative to establish the Dutch-Flemish Society for Brain Stimulation; granted by the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences, KNAW (Budget: 16.000 Euro)

NWO Research Talent (2013-2016): Applicant of research grant “'Modulating anti-correlated networks in early Alzheimer's disease 'a simultaneous TMS-fMRI approach” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three-year PhD position (Budget: 171.363 Euro).

KNAW Project Grant (2012): Co-applicant of an initiative to stimulate scientific integration and communication, entitled “Wie Goed ontmoet - Wetenschappers, leken en pubers in gesprek over de moraal’; granted by the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences, KNAW (Budget: 15.852 Euro)

NWO Research Talent (2012-2015): Applicant of research grant “Brain rhythms and multisensory perception: Unraveling the basis of fundamental brain oscillations” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three-year PhD position (Budget: 168.576 Euro).

NWO Brain and Cognition 2011 (2011-2016): Co-applicant of research grant “Will he aggress again and if so, can we change his mind? A new cognitive experimental and brain-system-based approach of reliably predicting future violent behaviour of antisocial offenders” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing two four-year PhD positions (Budget: 500.000 Euro).

ERC-2010-StG Consolidator (2011-2016): Principal Investigator of research grant “Rebalancing the brain: Guiding brain recovery after stroke” granted by the European Research Council (ERC); financing a research group of several PostDocs and the equipment required for simultaneous fMRI & TMS & EEG measurements  (Budget: 1, 344.853 Euro; Grant number # 263472).

NWO Free Competition 2008 (2010-2013): Principal Investigator of research grant “The functional role of the brain’s default mode network: a simultaneous TMS-fMRI study” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three year PostDoc position (Budget: 206.135 Euro; Grant number # 400-09-195).

NWO Free Competition 2008 (2009-2013): Principal Investigator of research grant “The neurocomputational basis of forming visual mental images from auditory descriptions: Investigations with simultaneous TMS and fMRI” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a four year Ph.D position (Budget: 186.995 Euro; Grant number # 400-07-230).

NWO Open Competition 2007 (2008-2012): Principal Investigator of research grant “The neurobiology of visual awareness and behavioral priming: Simultaneously measuring and manipulating the neural correlates underlying conscious visual perception and behavioral priming” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a four year Ph.D position (Budget: 186.995 Euro; Grant number # 400-07-048).

NWO VIDI 2006 (2007-2012): Principal Investigator of research grant “Visualizing virtual lesions and plasticity in the working human brain: simultaneously combining fMRI and TMS“, granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three year PostDoc position, a four year Ph.D position and the equipment required for simultaneous fMRI & TMS measurements (Budget: 600.000 Euro; Grant number #452-06-003).

NWO Open Competition 2005 (2006-2009): Co-investigator of research grant “Verifying the time course of cerebral activations during speaking” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a four year Ph.D position (Budget: 170.000 Euro; Grant number # 400-04-215).

NWO VENI 2003 (2004-2007): Principal Investigator of research grant “Top-down feedback signals in visuospatial attention and visuospatial imagery: combining studies with fMRI and TMS”, granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three year PostDoc position and the establishment of a TMS research laboratory (Budget: 200.000 Euro; Grant number #451–03–038).

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