Drs Sophie Vanbelle (S.)
After a master in Mathematics (ULiège, Belgium) and in Biostatistics (UHasselt, Belgium), Sophie Vanbelle received her PhD thesis on agreement between raters and groups of raters (2009, ULiège, Belgium). She was appointed assistant professor directly after in the Department of Methodology and Statistics (Maastricht University, The Netherlands). She received a veni grant (NWO) in 2013 to develop statsitical models to measure reliability and agreement in multilevel data and more recently an ASPASIA grant (2020).
Her research aim is now to develop models to study reliability and agreement for intensive longitudinal data.
She enjoys working with researchers from other disciplines, developing new statistical techniques and teaching statstics to various audiences.
Agreement and reliability studies, multilevel data analysis, Bayesian statistics, Categorical data analysis, Intensive longitudinal data, Structural equation modeling, Survival analysis
2020- Now: Associate professor, Methodology and Statistics, UM, The Netherlands
2010-2020: Assistant professor, Methodology and Statistics, UM, The Netherlands
2009-2010: Working lecturer, Department of Mathematics, ULiège, Belgium
2003-2009: Research assistant, Department of Public Health, ULiège, Belgium