Nutrition and Movement Sciences
A healthy lifestyle is generally considered as the cornerstone for metabolic health and this balanced metabolism is a prerequisite for prevention of many non-communicable diseases. We as Department of Nutrition and Movement Sciences explicitly state that a healthy lifestyle is more than only a healthy diet and being physically active.
Our group is working on lifestyle in a broader context, i.e healthy nutrition, physical activity, less sedentary lifestyle, optimal regulation of temperature and appreciating the importance of circadian rhythms. Our holistic approach of integrating the contribution of all lifestyle factors is unique and reflected in the Healthy Lifestyle Wheel.
Research groups
The PI’s, PhD students and supporting STAFF of our department of Nutrition and Movement Sciences are working in four interacting domains. By making the connections between the domains we create the full power of the healthy lifestyle wheel approach.
The four domains are
- Physiology of Human Nutrition
- Diabetes and Metabolism
- Thermophysiology and Metabolism
- Human Movement Sciences.
Experiments are conducted in our state-of- the art research infrastructure consisting of the metabolic research unit Maastricht (MRUM), the human performance laboratory (HPL) and our involvement in application and development of wearable technologies for life style monitoring.