Vanuit het hart: steun Rogier’s levensveranderend werk!

Vanavond (Woe) UM Crowdfunding op NPO2 (22.15), in talkshow Op1

Rogier Veltrop, samen met een aantal van zijn familieleden, zou eigenlijk al overleden zijn aan een hartziekte. Dankzij een donarhart leeft hij. Uit dankbaarheid voor deze tweede kans wijdt Rogier zich met hart en ziel aan zijn missie: voor eens en altijd een oplossing vinden voor alle hart- en vaatziekten. 

Rogier Veltrop

Bekijk de video:
He is now on the eve of a revolutionary breakthrough in his research... 

Blood cell becomes heart cell
Rogier, researcher at the Department of Biochemistry of CARIM School for Cardiovascular Diseases of Maastricht University, has succeeded in turning blood cells into stem cells, which he then turns into heart cells. These new cells can replace defective and diseased parts of the heart. A pioneering innovation that: 

  • solves the problem instead of just treating the symptoms
  • is personalised to each patient
  • allows for rapid intervention
  • reduces healthcare costs
  • reduces animal experiments
  • enables faster recovery (both physical and mental). 

Naturally, Rogier wants to know more
Can his discovery help all present and future cardiovascular patients? How can we use this method to gain more insight into the diseases? How do we translate the treatment into practice? And: will one vial of blood really be enough to give someone their life back?

To answer these questions, more research is needed. Unfortunately, Rogier does not have the funding to pay for the equipment and materials he needs. That’s why he is asking you: can you contribute to research into this treatment? When €25,000 is reached, CARIM will double the amount to €50,000.

“The corona crisis has once again demonstrated how vulnerable people with cardiovascular diseases are. NOW is the time to take action.” – Rogier Veltrop

Working together for a life-changing treatment for cardiovascular diseases!

UM Crowd is part of University Fund Limburg/SWOL. This Fund is a recognized 'algemeen nut beogende instelling' (ANBI). This hallmark means that your donation is, in principle, tax deductable. You will receive an automatically generated e-mail with a proof of payment after your donation. Click here for more information about ANBI.


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