Internationale erkenning voor de medische onderwijscompetenties

Taakgroep Faculty Development ontvangt de AMEE ASPIRE-to-Excellence Award

De taakgroep Faculty Development (Department of Educational Development and Research, FHML, Maastricht University) heeft op 7 september de prestigieuze AMEE ASPIRE-to-Excellence Award  voor Faculty Development.
Het Aspire-to Excellence programma is opgericht voor de internationale erkenning van excellente opleidingen voor geneeskunde, tandheelkunde en dierengeneeskunde. Het doel is het promoten van een uitstekende performance en excellente opleidingen op het gebied van missie, onderwijs en onderwijsprogramma's, rekening houdend met uitdagingen en de context waarin een opleiding plaatsvindt.

Aspire Image 2020

The taskforce faculty development was honored to receive this award at the virtual AMEE conference. Chair Herma Roebertsen said a word of thanks on behalf of the taskforce members: “We feel very honored and grateful to be selected for this prestigious award. Our taskforce is part of an enthusiastic department, and we are privileged to work in a setting where research in medical education is one of the core activities. We want to thank our colleagues and especially the head of department for their inspiration and extensive support. Within medical education, research in faculty development is a relatively new area, but it is essential to take faculty development to the next level. Over the years, it became clear that performing educational roles is demanding and that it requires the development of teaching competences. Due to the support of the FHML board of directors, and due to the efforts of the team, nowadays all faculty members participate in mandatory longitudinal professional development trajectories to establish teaching competences, based on the principles of workplace learning and just in time learning. Our next challenge is to support communities of practices among the teaching staff but first we will celebrate this amazing award."

The taskforce members recorded a word of thanks that was broadcasted during the digital conference.

Aspire staff educ

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