Rector of the University of Parakou (Benin) visits Maastricht University

On 21 June rector Pr Prosper Gandaho, vice rector Pr Bertrand Sogbossi and the project coordinator Pr Armand Paraiso of the University of Parakou visited Maastricht University. 

The main purpose of for their visit was to learn from our experiences with the introduction of the Bachelor-Master system. Among other experts they talked with Albert Scherpbier, Dean of the FHML, and Han Aarts, Director MUNDO.

Maastricht University is involved in two projects with the University of Parakou in Benin. One project, with MUNDO in the lead, concerns developing the capacity for obstetric fistula treatment of Parakou’s medical faculty. The second project with Maastricht University in the role of sub-contractor and with the involvement of experts quality assurance of FHML, aims to strengthen the quality of education.