Prof. Yvonne van der Meer benoemd tot lid van het wetenschappelijk comité van de CBE JU

De gemeenschappelijke onderneming Circular Bio-based Europe (CBE JU) is een partnerschap van 2 miljard euro tussen de Europese Unie en het Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) dat projecten financiert ter bevordering van concurrerende circulaire biogebaseerde industrieën in Europa.

-- de tekst gaat verder in het Engels --

The role of Circular Bio-based Europe is to bring together various actors from bio-based industries, ranging from farmers to scientists, to solve the technological, regulatory and market challenges of the sector. It’s public-private funding scheme boosts innovation and market deployment and paves the way for future investments.

The Scientific Committee is one of the advisory bodies of CBE JU. Its role is to provide scientific advice and recommendations on the operations and program implementation of CBE JU, as well as on key strategic and programming documents, such as the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, draft annual work plans and annual activity reports.

Collectively, members of the Scientific Committee demonstrate strong expertise and competence to make science-based recommendations to the CBE JU. They are appointed by the CBE JU’s Governing Board based on their qualifications and do not represent any country or entity.

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