Marco Serafini wint de Menno Knetsch Thesis Award 2022

De Menno Knetsch Award 2022 is toegekend aan Marco Serafini, van de master Biobased Materials, voor zijn afstudeerscriptie 'Sustainability assessment of biobased colourants for packaging applications'. Het doel van zijn onderzoek was om een duurzaamheidsbeoordeling uit te voeren van het gebruik van curcumine als kleurstof voor voedselverpakkingen, en om uit te zoeken of het gebruik ervan de milieueffecten van verpakkingen kan verminderen.

-- de overige tekst is Engelstalig --

“It is a great honor for me to receive this award; it will remind me to never stop in front of a failure but to always keep pushing myself. I am hopeful that the results of my thesis will highlight the need for a holistic perspective in sustainability field, crossing several fields in order to obtain accurate results,” Marco Serafini.

About the Menno Knetsch Master Thesis Award

The prize, a cheque of €500, is made available by the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM). The award is handed out during the yearly graduation ceremony of the master’s programme in Biobased Materials.

Criteria for the best master thesis are:

  • Overall mark for the master thesis
  • The contribution to the scientific domain of biobased materials and/or its application
  • The innovative aspects of the topic, as well as the context in which the research was executed

The Menno Knetsch Master Thesis Award was set up in remembrance of our highly appreciated colleague and friend Menno Knetsch, the first programme director of the Biobased Materials master's programme.

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