Maastrichtse team wederom in finale European Law Moot Court in Luxemburg

Van 23 tot 25 februari, nam het Maastrichtse European Law Moot Court team deel aan de regionale finale in Gothenburg, Zweden. Het team, bestaande uit Dina Grego, Jihane Mirode, Christine Recker en Ilja Terwinghe won de eindstrijd en gaat daarmee wederom door naar de all-European finale in Luxemburg die op 31 maart gespeeld wordt. Het team werd gecoached door Pauline Melin en Alexander Hoogenboom.



From 23-25th of February, Maastricht’s European Law Moot Court team took part in the regional finals held in Gothenburg, Sweden. The team, composed of Dina Grego, Jihane Mirode, Christine Recker and Ilja Terwinghe 
and coached by Pauline Melin and Alexander Hoogenboom won the final battle and will go to the all-European finals in Luxemburg.

Jihane, as Advocate-General, performed very well and brought very original arguments to the competition (as confided by one of the judges) but lost in the finals against the A-G of HECS Paris.

Christine, Ilja and Dina each performed exceptionally good throughout both days and the team reached the finals beating inter alia Columbia University and Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas. In a true nail biter, the team managed to finally overcome Hague University and will be going to the All-European Finals in Luxemburg on 31 March 2017!



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