Maastricht University team wins role playing part in 2016 Frits Kalshoven Moot Court Competition

The team representing Maastricht University has once again been successful in the Frits Kalshoven International Humanitarian Law Competition. The competition took place in Mechelen (Belgium) and The Hague from 15 to 19 February. At the end of an intense and exhausting week, the team proved victorious in the role playing part of the competition (not to mention the pub quiz), while the pleading part was won by Leiden University.

The Maastricht team, consisting of Stephen Harsley, Sari Tollenaar and Antti Tulonen, spent a week immersing themselves in and practicing the law of armed conflict in the fictional state of DRE. The competition included lectures and a visit to the International Criminal Court. The students engaged in role playing and pleading, along with eight other teams from four Belgian and four Dutch universities. The team hopes to build on this success in the Jean-Pictet Competion, which takes place at the end of March in Évian-les-Bains, France. The team was coached by Wim Muller and Laura Visser.

This was the 9th edition of this annual competition, named after professor emeritus Frits Kalshoven and organised by the Red Cross organisations of the Netherlands and Flanders.

Karlshoven Competition 2016

Left to right: Antti Tulonen, Sari Tollenaar, Stephen Harsley, Frits Kalshoven and Liesbeth Lijnzaad (Extraordinary Professor Practice of International Law at UM)

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