Katarzyna (Kasia) Czabanowska benoemd tot hoogleraar Public Health Leadership and Workforce Development

Katarzyna (Kasia) Czabanowska van het Department of International Health is benoemd tot hoogleraar met de leerstoel in ‘Public Health Leadership and Workforce Development’ aan de Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences/Care and Public Health Research Institute. 

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The main ambition of the chair is to be recognised as a leading expert with a strong international outlook and as a driving force signposting Public Health Leadership and Public Health Workforce Development at Maastricht University and at international academic, professional and policy fora. The academic output of the chair will be central to facilitating a visible initiative of fostering the integration and delivery of impactful research and education. The chair has a vision of developing public health professionals who are able to operate effectively in the continuously, evolving and insecure international and global contexts, who are able to adapt and have courage to act.

Kasia is an Honorary Member of the UK Faculty of Public Health, past President of the Association of the Schools of Public Health in the European region (ASPHER), an Academic Board member of the Studio Europa at Maastricht University; visiting professor at the Institute of Public Health Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, adjunct professor at the Richard Fairbanks School of Public Health, Indiana University, US. She serves as a WHO expert in the area of public health leadership, public health workforce development and planning.

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