From Communication to AI – New course offers for staff members of YUFE universities
New opportunities are opening up at YUFE this academic year for staff members wishing to further their education. A total of 11 courses will be available to research and teaching staff, as well as university administration and management teams. Many of these courses are free of charge and accessible online.
"The new offers allow employees to benefit even more from the networking of their universities in the YUFE Alliance,” says Jennifer Robbert, coordinator of the YUFE Staff Journey work package. The concept behind these courses is straightforward: many continuing education topics are relevant to university staff across Europe, so why not share resources and open these learning opportunities to all staff members in the alliance?
For details on the 11 courses offered in the coming academic year, visit the YUFE Staff Development Courses platform. Most are offered digitally and, with a few exceptions, free of charge. Time commitments vary: some sessions are short, lasting just a morning, while others span several days or occur weekly over several months. The courses cover a broad range of topics, including communication skills, blockchain management, AI in the workplace, and scientific writing.
Staff members can register via the YUFE Virtual Campus.
Take advantage of these diverse opportunities and advance your career and skills with YUFE Staff Development Courses!
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