Laura Niessen (L.)
Key publicaties
Niessen, L., & Bocken, N. M. P. (2021). How can businesses drive sufficiency? The business for sufficiency framework. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 28, 1090-1103.
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Bocken, N. M. P., Niessen, L., & Short, S. W. (2022). The Sufficiency-Based Circular Economy — An Analysis of 150 Companies. Frontiers in Sustainability, 3, Article 899289.
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Niessen, L., Bocken, N., & Dijk, M. (2023). The impact of business sufficiency strategies on consumer practices: The case of bicycle subscription. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 35, 576-591.
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Niessen, L., Bocken, N., & Dijk, M. (2023). Sufficiency as trend or tradition?—Uncovering business pathways to sufficiency through historical advertisements. Frontiers in Sustainability, 4, Article 1165682.
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Niessen, L., & Bocken, N. (2022). A Sufficiency Business Database as a Tool to Drive Sustainable Business Models. 640-644. Abstract from New Business Models Rome 2022, Rome, Italy.
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Niessen, L., & Bocken, N. (2022). Circular business models: Beyond supply-side action. Oekologisches Wirtschaften, 37(1), 16-18.
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Bocken, N., Niessen, L., & Tukker, A. (2022). Impacts of Consumption and the Role of Business. In R. Brinkmann (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability (pp. 2119-2135). Palgrave Macmillan.
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Nesterova, I., Beyeler, L., & Niessen, L. (2023). Business of Deep Transformations: A Non-binary Approach. In P. Jankowski, A. Höfner, M. L. Hoffmann, F. Rohde, R. Rehak, & J. Graf (Eds.), Shaping Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society: Contributions from Bits & Bäume (pp. 82-86). Technische Universität Berlin.
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