16 mei
20:00 - 22:00
Studium Generale | Talkshow, Engelstalig

LET’S TALK about the Influence of (Social) Media on our Self Image

LET’S TALK is a programme in which we not only give the floor to experts, but also challenge the audience to speak up and interact. In a lively and relaxed setting, we address issues of (student) life: relationships, career, love, health, stress, party life, engagement, etc. Have a drink, listen, talk and sharpen your thoughts and opinions.

The topic of this edition is Self Image. In particular we look at the influence of (social) media. How do we form our identity? How do we look at ourselves and compare ourselves to others? We talk about social expectations, body image, self esteem, confidence and the fear of missing out with a (social) psychologist, a therapist, a communication and media expert and an influencer.

Dr. Anna Poletti is associate professor of English Language and Culture at Utrecht University. Poletti’s research mainly focuses on contemporary life writing, specifically regarding youth cultures and the digital and analogue ephemeral (meaning short-lived) autobiographical materials. They have expertise in research methods that engage with queer and feminist theory, and comparative media studies. In Poletti’s publication, Stories of the Self: Life Writing After the Book (2020), they argue that the media used for writing our lives, shapes how we are seen to matter. The book analyses contemporary art, cardboard boxes, selfies, documentary films, zines, and transmedial crowdsourced autobiographical projects.

Lieke Maas is a student assistant at the Maastricht University Wellbeing Movement.

Tessy Scheer is a yogi and influencer. She started doing yoga during the covid lockdown and she started an Instagram account (@tessyogii) where she shares her yoga and body awareness journey She talks a lot about meditation, yoga and mindfulness. She is a psychology student and is originally from Luxembourg.

In cooperation with FHML Honours Programme.

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