14 mrt
20:00 - 21:45
Studium Generale | Lezing & Discussie, Engelstalig

Repression and LGBTIQA+ Activism

This evening starts with a historical lecture by Jonas Roelens, which will lead to drawing parallels with current LGBTIQA+ activism. After the lecture, we will discuss queer activism today, looking at the battles that have taken place in recent decades. Has activism changed over the years, and if so, how? Is it a never-ending struggle, and which battle still needs to be fought? It is no longer just about homosexuality. Attention to gender issues has grown and the alphabet of LGBT has been extended.

About the lecture 
Scapegoats and Sodomites. Repression of Sodomy in the Late Medieval Low Countries

In mediaeval times, sodomy was considered a sin against nature that was punishable by law. In the Southern Netherlands, sodomites were usually burned at the stake, although the persecution of this crime was not a constant priority for the local authorities. In general, sodomy was most strongly persecuted throughout the Southern Netherlands between ca. 1450 and 1525. During the sixteenth century, the number of trials systematically decreased, and from 1600 onwards, sodomy trials became a rarity. How can we explain this evolution? Using sociological and anthropological insights into the ‘scapegoat theory’ might prove useful. In doing so, we could draw interesting parallels with our present society and the current fight for equality and emancipation.

This programme is in connection with the exhibition 50 Years of Pink in the Classroom, about COC Limburg and the importance of education since 1970. Culture- and Relaxation Centre (COC) 'Nederland' was founded shortly after the Second World War and is an organisation that advocates for the Dutch queer community. In 1970 Limburg followed with its own department, to work on the acceptance of homosexuality within the province. By providing education, stereotypes and prejudice about homosexuality would hopefully disappear. Has it? Or is it still necessary?

Follow this link for more information about this exhibition that can be visited till 9 April. (scroll down on the page for the English text)

This programme is in cooperation with UM Pride

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