18 feb
20:00 - 21:45
Studium Generale | Debate Café, Engelstalig

Can Trade Promote Democracy?

A lot of research is done on the economic impact of trade, but much less on its political consequences. In this Debate Café we will discuss the broader foreign-policy implications of trade and go into questions like: Is it morally wrong to trade with nondemocratic countries? Are democracies any good at spreading democracy? Do economic sanctions work in relation to non-democratic, dictatorial regimes?

The Debate Café is a meeting place for scientists, other experts and university students. It covers important recent developments in science and society. Everyone can join the debate and exchange views about current issues of the world with a panel of experts.


  • Johan Adriaensen, Assistant Professor Political Science, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences & Research Coordinator CERiM (Centre for European Research in Maastricht). Expertise: EU trade policy, International Political Economy, EU institutions, External relations of the European Union.
  • Maria Debre, post-doctoral researcher Political Science, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Expertise: international dimension of authoritarian resilience, Regional and International Organisations, Comparative Regionalism, Middle Eastern Politics.
  • Roberta Haar, Professor of Foreign Policy Analysis & Transatlantic Relations American Foreign Policy. Research Director, UCM. Expertise: International Relations, Foreign Policy Analysis, American Foreign Policy, European Foreign Policy, Transatlantic Relations.
  • Leonhardt van Efferink, Lecturer General Economics, School of Business and Economics. Guest Lecturer, Royal Holloway, University of London. Expertise: Doing Business in Emerging Markets, Geopolitics, Country Risk Analysis and Principles of Economics, framing of countries and on how framing influences doing business and geopolitics


  • Peter Møllgaard, dean School of Business and Economics and Professor of Industrial Organization

This Debate Café is organised by SCOPE, study association of the School of Business and Economics and Studium Generale.

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