Mr Anselm Kamperman Sanders (A.W.J.)
Key publicaties
Kamperman Sanders, A., Moerland, A., & Heath, C. (Eds.) (2018). Intellectual Property Rights as Obstacles to Legitimate Trade? Kluwer International. IEEM Series on International Intellectual Property Law Vol. 9
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Kamperman Sanders, A., & Heath, C. (Eds.) (2017). Employees, Trade Secrets and Restrictive Covenants. Kluwer Law International. IEEM Series on International Intellectual Property Law Vol. 8
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Kamperman Sanders, A. W. J. (Ed.) (2014). The Principle of National Treatment in international economic law. Edward Elgar Publishing. European Intellectual Property Institutes Network Series No. 3
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Heath, C., & Kamperman Sanders, A. W. J. (Eds.) (2012). Intellectual property liability of consumers, facilitators, and intermediaries. Kluwer Law International. IEEM International Intellectual Property Conferences
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Heath, C., & Kamperman Sanders, A. W. J. (Eds.) (2011). Landmark Intellectual Property Cases and Their Legacy (IEEM International Intellectual Property Conferences). Kluwer.
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Kamperman Sanders, A. (2022). Intellectual property in digital agriculture. Law Innovation and Technology, 14(1), 113-127 .
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Kamperman Sanders, A., & Heath, C. (Eds.) (2022). 25 Years of the TRIPS Agreement: Past, Present, Future. Kluwer International. IEEM Series on International Intellectual Property Law Vol. 12
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