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Wiebe Bijker presenteert WRR evaluatierapport aan premier Rutte

Prof. Wiebe Bijker presented the report ‘Meer dan ooit nodig—Evaluatie van de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid [WRR], 2013-2017’ (‘More needed than ever—Evaluation of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy, 2013-2017’) to the President of the WRR and the Dutch Prime Minister on 30 January 2018.
Bijker chaired an evaluation committee.

The committee also included prof. dr. Bea Cantillon (Universiteit Antwerpen), mr. Tjibbe Joustra (Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid) and prof. dr. Bas ter Weel (Universiteit van Amsterdam); dr. Peter de Goede acted as secretary.

The evaluation committee concludes that the WRR has generally performed excellently. Since the previous evaluation (2013), the WRR has renewed itself substantively. The evaluation committee makes recommendations about improving the recognizable identity of the WRR, the transparency of agenda-setting and quality-control processes, the external communication, the relations to government and parliament, and a broadening of the profiles of staff and council.

After a final meeting of the committee with the WRR on 20 February 2018, the evaluation report (in Dutch) has been published on the WRR’s website. The WRR will publish its official reaction soon too.