Dr Ivo Bleijlevens (I.W.M.)
Current positions:
I joined the Maastricht University Library in 2013. At the moment I am part of the "PURE Support Team" and the "Research Intelligene (RI) Team" in the role of data engineer and data integration specialist.
Research Intelligence
The Research Intelligence Team deals with research evaluations and responsible metrics and supports UM employees in demonstrating impact for annual reports, audits and funding applications. In this team I take care of the technical aspects required to make the RI analyses and dashboards possible. The main task therefore is to keep the data warehouse with publication metadata and publication metrics (from various sources like Web of Science, Scopus, Altmetric, PlumX, Unpaywall, PubMed, OpenAlex, Overton, DataCite, etc.) up to date and explore new and existing ways of visualizing data.
In the technical role within the PURE team I make sure all the required data is imported into PURE (i.e., HR SAP and AFAS data / Research Output / various identifiers / etc.) and exported from PURE while keeping an eye on the data quality, completeness, and validity.
After spending some time in the field of Chemical Technology at Hogeschool Zuyd, I enrolled in the programme of the UM Department of Knowledge Engineering (DKE) in 1998. After graduation I stayed at DKE for getting a PhD in the field of computational algebra (2010, "Algebraic polynomial system solving and applications", link to publication). This scientific background, together with the experience of post-doc positions at the UM Department of Clinical Genetics and DKE, and some joint work with the UM bio-chemistry group, is used in my daily work at the Maastricht University Library.
See also: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivobleylevens
- Data engineering
- Data integration
- Data science
- Data visualisation
- Scientific programming
- Computational optimization
- Parallel programming
- Scripting
See LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivobleylevens/