Eszter Boros

Eszter Boros graduated from UCM in 2011. After the eye opening and inspiring experience in liberal arts education, she changed tack and moved to the field of business. While experimenting with marketing and sales, working in the medical device sector, she earned a master’s degree in Management Accounting in Berlin. With four languages under her belt, she decided to explore the world further, visit old friends in far-away places and tick off a few items from her bucket list.

A transformative journey set her onto new projects. Currently, she’s the coordinator of Careers in the Common Good, which inspires young adults from Eastern Europe to pursue meaningful careers. Next to that, she’s supporting a Berlin-based coaching academy with her controlling skills.

The workshop title 7 September is:  Shoot for the Moon - Start on the Roof: Bring Your Dreams to Everyday Life

What did you dream of becoming when you were a kid? And at university? And now? While you’re standing at the copy machine, or editing that document for the 10th time, or commuting to work—what do you dream of doing?

What dream, you ask? Well any, really. Writing a book, planning a big journey, publishing your photos, organising a lecture, starting a company, launching an app, whatever you are working on right now—or whatever you have been putting on hold for the last five to ten years.

We often have inspiration and great ideas and start working toward our dreams. With motivation and plans you start working. But then that initial flow runs out. Or you keep planning to start ‘tomorrow’. But the stars seem too high to reach, and instead you give up altogether.

In this workshop, we will come closer to those dreams. Let's turn them into tangible, feasible plans.