Victoria Sadaf Azizi, LLM (V.S.)


Theorie, Regelgeving en de Nederlandse Ondernemingspraktijk met betrekking tot betrokkenheid van belanghebbenden (stakeholders en stakeholder engagement)

Key publicaties
Azizi, V. (2020). The magic of corporate social responsibility: An academic perspective. Amsterdam Law Forum, 12(1), 3-34.
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TEGL Lecture: Business and Human Rights (2021)

Video 1. ‘Business and Human Rights: Doing Business in a Globalized World’ by Victoria Azizi & Mark Kawakami – Maastricht University

The first online TEGL lecture series focuses on Business and Human Rights. Globalization and international business go hand in hand, for better or for worse. This marriage poses challenging questions about the need, possibilities and limits on regulating the world-wide impact of businesses. The introductory lecture ‘Doing business in a globalized world’ will set the stage. 


V.S. Azizi, The Magic of Corporate Social Responsibility, VU Library.