SURF subsidie voor ontwikkeling online services
Let op: dit artikel is alleen in het Engels beschikbaar
The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has selected the project ‘Leading to Success: SMART Choices and SMART Tools’, submitted by project leader Dr. Mindel van de Laar, for funding in a competitive selection process to encourage open and online education.
The SURF subsidy is obtained to support the development of two open online services. These packages will be piloted with Master in Public Policy and Human Development (MPP) students, and then be offered continuously to MPP students, alumni, future students, and external interested parties.
Firstly, the specialisation choice of MPP students will be improved, offering a summary course per track. This serves two objectives: decreasing dropout rates of MPP students, while improving the chances of successful completion via ‘smarter’ specialisation choices.
Secondly, online open education packages aimed at supporting and developing skills specifically important for the public policy field will be created. These packages are offered as add-on materials, on top of the MPP required programme.
By offering the online open modules, links with the public policy job market will be improved, which requires multifunctional and interdisciplinary skills among graduates. Students decide themselves what skills they wish to follow at what moment, during or after their studies.
The project will run from September 2017 to December 2018 and will be supported by Dr. Lutz Krebs and Dr. Martin Rehm .
Media credits: UN Photo/Rick Bajornas
UNU-MERIT/Maastricht Graduate School of Governance
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