Oude agenda
21 nov16:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie mw. Wai Yan Liu, MSc.
“Gait characteristics of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”
11 okt14:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie dhr.drs. Stef J.M. Smeets
“Perioperative care of hip fracture patients”
30 aug14:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Mw. Maite Timmermans, MSc.
“Optimising patient selection to improve outcome in advanced ovarian cancer”
28 jun12:45
- PhD Defence
Promotie Dhr. Enrico Fabris
“Myocardial reperfusion in STEMI and the role of the antithrombotic / antiplatelet therapy”
28 jun12:45
- PhD Defence
Promotie Dhr. Enrico Fabris
“Myocardial reperfusion in STEMI and the role of the antithrombotic / antiplatelet therapy”
28 jun12:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Mw. Inez Curfs
“Decision making in the treatment of thoracolumbar fractures”
27 jun16:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Dhr.ir. Petrus R.E. Huntjens
“Pacing the heart: synchronization or orchestration?”
27 jun14:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Mw. Sabine C.M. Daemen, MSc
26 jun14:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Mw. drs. Bernice J.A. Gulpers
“Anxiety in older adults; Correlates, comorbidities and prognosis with lifespan perspectives”
25 jun12:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Dhr. Daniel Brauman, MD
''Liposuction Assisted Abdominoplasty (LAA): A Comprehensive Approach to Body Contouring''