
  • 27 jun
    19:00 - 22:00
  • 28 jun 06 dec
    10:00 - 17:00

    Afstudeerceremonies Masters

    Met trots overhandigen wij op deze feestelijke dag de diploma's aan onze afgestudeerden.

  • 28 jun

    Promotie Wenbo Wu

    "Assessing Cellular Senescence, NAD+ and Ageing in chemotherapy-related side-effects in colorectal cancer survivors"

  • 28 jun

    Promotie Veerle van Gils

    "The role of diabetes and vascular burden in Alzheimer’s disease: A pathophysiological perspective"

  • 28 jun

    Inauguratie Prof.dr. Hylke Dijkstra

    "Multilateralism amid Geopolitics: Rethinking International Cooperation in the 21st Century"

  • 01 jul

    Promotie Balázs Erdős

    "Quantifying Metabolic Health from High-Dimensional Post-Meal Dynamic"

  • 01 jul

    Promotie Martin Martinek

    "Contemporary Atrial Fibrillation Management: Healthcare Expenditures, Treatment Methods, and Outcomes"

  • 01 jul

    Promotie Charlotte van Gorp

    "Inflammatory stress and the compromised intestinal mucosal barrier Insights and interventions for perinatal health"

  • 02 jul

    Promotie Nasim Bahram Sangani

    "The Molecular Signature Of RETT Syndrome"

  • 02 jul 31 dec
    14:00 - 17:00

    ITEM/SVB Informatiesessies

    Het Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM en Bureau voor Belgische en Duitse Zaken van de Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) organiseren regelmatig informatiesessies.