
  • 01 jul

    Promotie Charlotte van Gorp

    "Inflammatory stress and the compromised intestinal mucosal barrier Insights and interventions for perinatal health"

  • 02 jul

    Promotie Nasim Bahram Sangani

    "The Molecular Signature Of RETT Syndrome"

  • 03 jul

    Promotie Philipp J. König

    "Towards Collaborative Accountability Changing Patterns of Accountability in International Development Finance"

  • 03 jul

    Promotie Claudia Roethlisberger

    "Persistent gender gaps in labour market outcomes: Essays on the contribution of personality traits and social norms and the effectiveness of a policy intervention"

  • 03 jul

    Promotie Michelle Daan Pang

    "Targeting obesity and metabolic health: A sweet, energy-restricted, and a family-based approach"

  • 04 jul

    Promotie Amir Bashirgonbadi

    "Advancing Polyolefin Film Recycling: Unveiling Insights from Composition to Processability and Performance"

  • 04 jul

    Promotie Hanna Melles

    "Fight Your Fears: Anxiety, avoidance, and expectancy violation in Anorexia Nervosa"

  • 05 sep 06 sep
    09:00 - 17:30

    IP & Competition in an era of AI and Data:

    We encourage participants to submit abstracts dealing with and related to the IP & competition law issues from an inter-disciplinary perspective. 

  • 15 sep 17 dec


    The Globalization and Law Network invites you to the TEGL Annual Conference. The conference is aimed at scholars, practitioners, and experts wanting to contribute to an engaging exploration of the intricate relationship between law and uncertainty. In an era marked by unprecedented global challenges...

  • 25 sep 27 sep

    The Right to Social Security: a new dawn!

    De conferentie "The Right to Social Security: a new dawn!" brengt het MoveS seminar over de EU grondrechten voor grensarbeiders, de oratie van Prof. Vonk en de jaarlijkse EISS Conferentie over hedendaagse uitdagingen voor het grondrecht van de sociale zekerheid samen.