25 dec
12:00 - 13:30

Nature walk

Are you unable to travel to your family this Christmas and therefore staying in Maastricht? That is probably not the way you had imagined the 2020 holidays. To liven up your Christmas day, Student and Career Counsellor Bob Joormann is organising a nature walk for UM students on the Sint Pietersberg.



The plan is to hike around the hill, enjoy the wintery scenery, and chat a bit. Bob will bring warm tea and hot chocolate, so bring a mug. Depending on the number of participants, we will think of ways to follow the corona guidelines.

When: 25 December at 12:00 (noon)
Where: at the bike parking directly in front of ‘Chalet Bergrust’ on the Sint Pietersberg
Duration: a round trip of 60-90+ minutes, length can vary depending on preferences
Registration: send an email before 24 December, 12:00, to b.joormann@maastrichtuniversity.nl if you plan on joining

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