M.N.W. Monfrance

Mélanie Monfrance is a PhD-candidate at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) and the Department of Macro, International and Labour Economics (MILE). Her research focuses on inequality in educational opportunities and how school policies can enhance the development of non-cognitive skills to decrease social inequality in education. She obtained her Master’s degree in Sociology at Tilburg University where she extended her Master by doing an internship at the Dutch Inspectorate of Education.


Before she started with her PhD-research Mélanie worked as a junior researcher in two research projects at The Institute for Evidence based Education Research (TIER), Maastricht University as well as at Fontys University of Applied Sciences. One research project concerned on parental involvement in primary education, with a special focus on disadvantaged schools (project coordination by Fontys University of Applied Sciences). The other project focussed on the effectiveness of summer schools to prevent grade retention (evaluated by TIER, Maastricht University).