Chloé Taillandier (C.A.)

Chloé Taillandier is a researcher at Maastricht Sustainability Institute, Maastricht University, and affiliated researcher at York Environmental Sustainability Institute, University of York (UK). Her main research areas are on sustainability transitions, mobility, societal transformations, governance, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. 

As part of the York-Maastricht Partnership, Chloé is spending most of her time working on a project on the use of agroforestry as a pathway towards climate resilient development for smallholder farmers in the Global South. Previously, she has conducted some work on smallholder farmers and resilience through social learning. She is also associated to the Fair and Smart Data (FSD) spearhead, from the School of Business and Economics, where she contributes on agroforestry-related projects, and exchange ideas on the voluntary carbon market (VCM). 

Aside from her main research project, Chloé is also conducting research on sustainable mobility, societal transformations, mobility transition, policy and governance for transition; topics which are close to her heart. She is also regularly involved in the organisation and facilitation of events: Climate Fresk (workshops), Avoiding Carbon Colonialism (webinar), New Business Models (NBM) Conference, etc.