Making Agricultural Trade Sustainable (MATS) Project Workshop



Workshop ‘Legal Dimensions of Agricultural Trade and Sustainability’

Deliverable WP 4.4: Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development

MATS aims to identify key leverage points for changes in agricultural trade policy that foster the positive and reduce the negative impacts of trade on sustainable development and human rights. Particular attention is paid to SDG1 No Poverty, SDG2 Zero Hunger and SDG3 Good Health and Well-being, as well as SDG6 Clean Water, SDG13 Climate Action and SDG15 Life on Land.

Focus is on improving the governance, design and implementation of trade practices, regimes and policies at national, EU, African and global levels. In implementation, MATS develops and pilots new tools for a systemic analysis, and assessment, of the interactions between agricultural trade, investments, sustainability and development.

The online workshop takes place on 1 March 2024, bringing MATS and external experts together to discuss the legal dimensions of agricultural trade between the EU and other partners. 

The first session will discuss general issues of trade concerning the EU (unilateral measures in agricultural trade, FTAs, etc.). The second session will focus on general issues of agriculture and environment in trade agreements. The third session will be a roundtable on intellectual property aspects of agricultural trade.


  • Dr Federica Demaria, C.R.E.A., Italy

  • Dr Gustavo Ferreira Ribeiro, Head of Division, APEX Brazil, Brazil 

  • Dr Araken Alves de Lima, INPI and UFSC, Brazil: 

  • Dr Saker El Nour, FU Berlin 

  • Mr John Clarke, Former Trade Negotiator DG Agri 

  • Mr. Rob Huijten, Legal counsel BASF Vegetable Seeds

  • Ms Sylvia Kay, Transnational Institute


Introduction and Keynote: General Issues in EU and Trade
11.00-11.15: Introduction
11.15-11.45: Keynote by John Clarke
11.45-12.15: Open Debate
12.15-14.00: Lunch interval      

Session 2: Agricultural Trade and Environment
14.00-14.20: Dr Saker El Nour
14.20-14.40: Dr Federica Demaria
14.40-15.00: Dr Gustavo Ribeiro
15.00-15.30: Open debate
15.30-16.00: Break    

Roundtable on Intellectual Property in Trade and Agriculture
16.00-16.30: Rob Huijten
16.30-17.00: Araken Alves Lima
17.00-17.30: Open Debate
17.30-17.40: Concluding remarks

The MATS project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101000751.



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